
5 Ways to Help Your Parents at Home and Brighten Their Day!

6 Mins read

Remember when your parents did everything for you? From changing diapers to making sure you had lunch money, they were always there, holding down the fort. Now that you’re older, it’s time to return the favour. Helping your parents at home isn’t just about pitching in with chores—it’s about showing them you care and making their lives a little easier. If you’re wondering how to get started, don’t worry! Here are 5 ways to help your parents at home, each one guaranteed to make a positive impact. Ready to step up? Let’s dive in!

1. Share the Load: Tackling Household Chores

5 ways to help your parents at home
Image Source: Freepik

Do Your Fair Share

Household chores might seem like no big deal, but they can pile up! Whether it’s doing the dishes, taking out the trash, or folding laundry, every little bit helps. Jumping in to handle some of these tasks can take a huge burden off your parents’ shoulders.

If you’re not sure where to start, try this:

  • Start Small: Begin with one or two chores that you can handle regularly. It could be something as simple as making your bed every morning or taking care of your laundry.
  • Offer to Help: Sometimes, your parents might hesitate to ask for help. So, offer! Ask them, “What can I do to help around the house?” It’s a simple question, but it can mean the world to them.
  • Create a Schedule: If multiple tasks need attention, consider setting up a weekly schedule. For example, Mondays could be for dusting, Wednesdays for vacuuming, and so on.

Pitch In on Special Projects

Beyond daily chores, there are always those bigger tasks that need tackling—like cleaning out the garage, organizing the attic, or even redecorating a room. These projects often get pushed to the back burner because they’re so time-consuming. Why not step in and make it a family activity? Not only will it get done faster, but you’ll also have some quality time together. Plus, your parents will appreciate the extra hands!

2. Be Their Tech Guru: Helping with Technology

5 ways to help your parents at home
Image Source: Freepik

Simplify Their Devices

In today’s digital world, technology is everywhere, and it can be overwhelming for parents who didn’t grow up with smartphones or tablets. Here’s where you can shine! Whether it’s setting up their new phone, showing them how to use apps, or helping them manage their email, your tech skills can be a huge asset.

  • Explain the Basics: Start with the essentials—like how to send a text, make a video call, or download an app. Keep it simple and be patient. Remember, they didn’t grow up with this stuff, so it might take a little longer for them to catch on.
  • Set Up Shortcuts: Create shortcuts for the things they use most. For example, you can add their favourite contacts to their home screen or set up voice commands so they can call or text hands-free.

Protect Them Online

Online safety is a big deal, especially for those who aren’t tech-savvy. Help your parents stay safe by setting up strong passwords, installing antivirus software, and showing them how to spot phishing scams. Explain the importance of not sharing personal information online and remind them to be cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments.

3. Lend a Listening Ear: Emotional Support

5 ways to help your parents at home
Image Source: Freepik

Be There for Them

Life can get hectic, and sometimes we forget that our parents need emotional support too. Whether they’re dealing with work stress, health issues, or just feeling a little down, being there to listen can make a huge difference.

  • Check-In Regularly: Make it a habit to check in with your parents, whether it’s a quick phone call, a text, or sitting down with them at the end of the day. Ask how they’re doing and listen to their answers.
  • Offer Encouragement: If they’re going through a tough time, offer words of encouragement. Sometimes, all it takes is a simple, “You’ve got this,” to lift their spirits.
  • Share Your Life: Don’t forget to share what’s going on in your life too! It’s easy to think that parents only want to hear the good stuff, but they also want to be there for you during the tough times.

Be Patient and Understanding

As parents get older, they might face new challenges—like health issues or even just feeling like they’re not as sharp as they used to be. This can be frustrating for them, so it’s important to be patient and understanding. Instead of getting annoyed if they forget something or need a little extra help, try to empathize with what they’re going through. A little kindness goes a long way.

4. Run Errands: Taking Care of the Little Things

5 ways to help your parents at home
Image Source: Freepik

Offer to Run Errands

Running errands might seem like a small task, but it can be time-consuming and exhausting, especially for parents who are juggling work, home life, and everything in between. Offering to help out with these little tasks can make a big difference in their day.

  • Grocery Shopping: Offer to pick up groceries, especially if your parents are busy or don’t enjoy the task. You can even take it a step further and help put the groceries away once you get home.
  • Prescription Pickups: If your parents have regular prescriptions, offer to pick them up from the pharmacy. It’s a simple task, but it saves them a trip and gives them one less thing to worry about.
  • Mail and Packages: Whether it’s dropping off mail at the post office or picking up a package, these small errands can add up. Handling them for your parents can take a load off their minds.

Plan and Prep Meals

If you’re handy in the kitchen, consider planning and preparing meals for the family. Cooking can be a fun and creative way to help out at home, and it’s a skill that will serve you well in the future. You can even turn it into a family activity by cooking together!

  • Plan a Weekly Menu: Sit down with your parents and plan out a weekly menu. This way, you’ll know what needs to be bought and what needs to be prepared.
  • Prep in Advance: If you have a busy week ahead, consider prepping meals in advance. You can make a big batch of something and portion it out for the week, making dinner time a breeze.
  • Try New Recipes: Don’t be afraid to get creative in the kitchen! Trying new recipes can be a fun way to spice up mealtime and keep things interesting.

5. Stay Connected: Keeping Family Bonds Strong

5 ways to help your parents at home
Image Source: Freepik

Make Time for Family Activities

One of the best ways to help your parents at home is by spending quality time together. Family activities don’t have to be elaborate or expensive—sometimes, the simplest things can create the best memories.

  • Game Nights: Host a game night where everyone can unwind and have some fun. Board games, card games, or even video games can be a great way to bond and laugh together.
  • Movie Marathons: Pick a movie series or a collection of your family’s favourite films and have a movie marathon. Don’t forget the popcorn!
  • Outdoor Adventures: If the weather’s nice, plan an outdoor activity like hiking, biking, or even just a walk around the neighbourhood. Fresh air and exercise are good for everyone.

Celebrate Special Occasions

Don’t let special occasions slip by unnoticed. Birthdays, anniversaries, or even just a random “Happy Tuesday” celebration can bring joy to your parents and remind them how much they mean to you.

  • Plan Surprises: Who doesn’t love a good surprise? Whether it’s breakfast in bed or decorating the house for a special occasion, these little gestures can make a big impact.
  • Make Traditions: Start a new family tradition that everyone can look forward to. It could be as simple as Sunday dinners or as unique as an annual family talent show.

For comprehensive guidance on navigating the early stages of motherhood, be sure to read more about Advice For a New Mother.


Helping your parents at home doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By sharing the load with chores, being their tech guru, offering emotional support, running errands, and staying connected, you can make their lives a little easier and strengthen your family bonds in the process. Remember, it’s the little things that add up to make a big difference. So, why not start today? Take these 5 ways to help your parents at home and put them into action. Your parents will appreciate it, and you’ll feel good knowing you’re making a positive impact.

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